Guidelines for Virtual Poster Presentation |線上海報發表注意事項

Poster Presentation Guidelines|線上海報發表注意事項

Each poster presenter is required to provide a one-page PDF Poster and a 3-5 minutes audio recording briefly describing, explaining, and/or discussing the research. Below are some guidelines to help make the documents.

海報發表人需提供一頁PDF海報以及一個 3-5 鐘簡述、解釋或討論研究內容的錄音檔。海報及錄音檔格式及製作方式請參考以下說明。


A. Poster 海報


1. Provide a one-page Poster PDF (91 CM*122 CM)



2. Getting Started on Your Poster: PowerPoint, Google Slides or Adobe InDesign.



3. The top of the Poster should display, in the lettering of 72 pt (Times New Roman), the following information: Title of your Paper, Name(s) of the Author(s) and Affiliation(s).

海報頂端需以72級Times New Roman(中文以新細明體)書寫您的論文題目、作者姓名、學校職稱


4. Kindly use both UPPER and lower case letters for general content. It is recommended to use 24 pt Times New Roman for the content of the poster.

海報內文請以大小寫為主,請勿全部使用大寫,內文字體以24級Times New Roman(中文以新細明體)為佳。


5. Make sure that the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results, and

conclusions) are easy to locate in the poster. It is recommended to use 36-48 pt Times New Roman for the subtitle. Try to keep the text easy to read and concise.

請確認海報中的副標題(包含背景、研究方法、研究結果、結論)位於顯眼易見的位置,字體請以36-48級Times New Roman(中文以新細明體)為佳,盡量保持版面簡潔易讀。


6. Use only static images and do not embed any videos or animation in your poster. (image resolution: 150-300 pixels per inch)

請使用靜態圖片,勿隨意插入動圖或動畫,圖片以pixal 150-300ppi為佳


B. Recording 錄音檔


1. Submit a 3-5 minutes audio recording (recommended in m4a / mp3 format).

請提供3-5分鐘錄音檔 (以m4a / mp3格式為佳)


2. Recording method: Apowersoft and Adobe Audition are recommended or you can use your cell phone to record your voice.



C. Other Information 其他資訊


1. Filename sample: “family name – POSTER” , “family name –RECORDING”, Share files from Google Drive or compressed file (ex. Zip.rar).

檔案名稱請以您的名字-POSTER;名字-RECORDIN建立,並透過Google 雲端連結或者壓縮檔案寄送。


2. Please remit your poster PDF and audio recording files to: before 10/31/2021.



3. Useful websites for your information 海報製作請參照以下網站:




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