Conference Coordinators
Jonathan Klassen 孫克強
Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Soochow University
Su Chiu-Hua 蘇秋華
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Soochow University
Conference Committee Members
Jessie Hui-Ling Huang 黃惠玲
TCLRA President and Professor Emeritus, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Mieke Desmet 戴絲美
Associate Professor, Department of English Languages and Literature, Tunghai University
Laurie Lee 李怡瑩
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
T. Sara Sun 孫德宜
Associate Professor of the Department of English Instruction, and Director of the Center of English Education, National Tsing Hua University
Li-chung Yang 楊麗中
Professor, Department of English Instruction, National Taipei University
Fiona Chi-Min Chang 張期敏
Associate Professor, Department of English Instruction, National Taipei University
Bess Yu-Kuan Chen 陳聿寬
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Soochow University
Vinia Huang 黃如瑩
Associate Professor, Department of English, National Taipei University of Technology
Ken Lai 賴培恩
Contract Secretary Assistant
Josie Chen 陳子筠
Administrative Assistant
Una Ho 何亮軒
Conference Logo & Poster Designer