
Conference Program

Time Zone:Asia/Taipei


Time Program
8:30-9:00 a.m.Registration
Location: Lobby, First Academic Building (R Building)
9:00-10:30 a.m.Opening Ceremony
Location: Puran Auditorium, First Academic Building (R Building)
Introduction and Welcome:

● TCLRA President: Jessie Huang

● Vice President, Soochow University: Shi-He Wang

● Dean, School of Foreign Language and Cultures: Ji-Li Luo

● Chair, Department of English Language and Literature: Chiu-Hua Su

Keynote Speech: Zora Neale Hurston for All: Anti-Racist Children’s Literature
Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Kidd, University of Florida
Moderator: Jonathan Klassen, Soochow University
10:30-10:40 a.m.Tea break
Session A
10:40-12:10 p.m.
Panel A1
Stories in the Classroom
Panel Room: R201
Panel A2
Taiwanese Children Literature
Panel Room: R202
Panel A3
Crossover Films
Panel Room: R205
Moderator: Wei-Ching Lai, National Taipei University of EducationModerator: Wayne Wen-Chun Liang, Soochow UniversityModerator: Sara Sun, National Tsing Hua University
A1a Annise Lam, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Disenchanting the Romantic Ideal: Feminist Fairy-tale Restorying in the Classroom
A2a Fiona Feng-Hsin Liu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

A Silent Revolution in Shih-Jen Lin’s Works for Children
A3a Srishti Sharma, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India

Reading the Moving Picture, Avatar: The Last Airbender
A1b Hong Zhenying / Zhan Fangqiong, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore

Exploring Fractured Fairy Tale Education in Singaporean Primary School Reading Classes through Picture Books
A2b Hiroko Matsuzaki, Nihon University, Japan

Whose Childhood? : Children’s Literature and Representation of Childhood in Taiwanese Writer, Zheng Qingwen’s Literary Works
A3b Whitney Crothers Dilley, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan

A “Boy and His Dog” Story in the Dystopian Future of Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs (2018)
A1c Fu-Ting Kang / Chih-Li Lien, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Kids and Adults Talks: Reimagining Citizenship in Picture Books through Critical Literacy
A2c Shu-Hui Lin, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

The Hero's Journey: Travel Narratives in Taiwanese Juvenile Fictions
A3c Hideko Taniguchi, Kyushu University in Japan

Spirited Away: A Multi-layered Animated Film for Children and Adults
12:10-1:10 p.m.Lunch & Musical interlude
Location: Lunch & Dining Area (1st Floor)
Session B
1:10-2:40 p.m.
Panel B1
Across the Generations
Panel Room: R201
Panel B2
Fairy Tale Adaptations
Panel Room: R202
Panel B3
Publishing Considerations
Panel Room: R205
Moderator: Vinia Huang, National Taipei University of TechnologyModerator: Chi-Min Chang, University of TaipeiModerator: Lichung Yang, University of Taipei
B1a Yasuko Natsume, Otsuma Women’s University, Japan

Grandpa and Children in Picture Books: John Burningham’s Granpa and Grandpa Picture Books of Japan
B2a Yiyin Laurie Lee, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan

Are You a Boy or a Rat? The Dynamics of Accommodation and Detachment in Philip Pullman’s I Was a Rat!
B3a Chen Yanyi Cat, Independent Scholar, Hong Kong

Paratexts as Marketing Tools: (Re)directing Translated Picturebooks to Adults
B1b Cheng-Ting Chang, University of Tokyo, Japan

The Adult Protagonist in Death-Themed picturebooks Reflecting on the Adult-Child Dichotomy
B2b Fabia Ling-Yuan Lin, National Taitung University, Taiwan

Subjective Vision in 19th Century Children's Literature: George MacDonald's 'The Day Boy and Night Girl' and the Evolution of Visual Perception
B3b Aparna Srivastava / Manjari Singh, University of Delhi, India

The Curious Case of 21st Century Child-Authored Picturebooks in India: A Comparative Study
B1c Inês Costa, University of Aveiro, Portugal

When I’m sixty-four: from childhood into adulthood in picturebooks
B2c Bess Yukuan Chen, Soochow University, Taiwan

Hansel and Gretel on the Run: Rethinking Animal Ethics in the Japanese Manga Series: The Promised Neverland
B3c Genevieve Ford, Utah State University, USA

Young Readers Editions of Adult Nonfiction: Expanding Readership or Censoring Adult Content?
2:40-2:50 p.m.Tea break
Session C
2:50-4:20 p.m.
Panel C1
Voices of Picturebooks
Panel Room: R201
Panel C2
Expressions of Culture
Panel Room: R202
Panel C3
Child Agency and Autonomy
Panel Room: R205
Moderator: Jessie Huang, National Yunlin University of Science and TechnologyModerator: Chiu-Hua Su, Soochow UniversityModerator: Winnie Chieh-Lan Li, Ming Chi University of Technology
C1a Ana Margarida Ramos, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Honey, I deleted the kids! Portuguese picturebooks for adults?
C2a D. Nazneen Marshall, Stella Maris College, India

Recipes for a Better Tomorrow: Oral Narratives in Picturebook Repositories
C3a Jung-Chun Roslyn Ko, National Taitung University, Taiwan

No Adults Are Allowed? : Electronic Gaming for Child Players and Its Literary Portrayals
C1b Chan Pik-Yee, National Taitung University, Taiwan

A Walk to the Childhood through the Voices in Anthony Browne’s Picturebooks
C2b Diti Vyas, Anant National University, India

Children’s or/and Mothers? Content Analysis of the Genre of Orally Transmitted Lullabies in Gujarati Language
C3b Jonathan Klassen, Soochow University, Taiwan

Energy and Power for All: Transport Alternatives in Two Middle-Grade Novels
C1c Michelle Chan, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Depicting the City for All: The Textual-Visual Narratives of Hong Kong Picture Books
C2c Maritess A. Rulona, Davao del Sur State College / Cebu Normal University, Philippines

Moppiyan Mgo Itulan: Folkloric, Cultural, and Ecocritical Values in M.A. Ordinario’s Children Narratives
C3c Hawk Chang, The Education University of Hong Kong

Revived Life through Death: Mortality in Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book
4:20-4:30 p.m.Tea break
Session D
Panel D1
The Ethics of Care
Panel Room: R201
Panel D2
Mental Health and Kindness
Panel Room: R202
Panel D3
Versions and Translations
Panel Room: R205
Moderator: Yi-Ching Su, Aletheia UniversityModerator: Iris Hsu, Soochow UniversityModerator: Mieke Desmet, Tunghai University
D1a Hiroe Suzuki, Kanagawa University, Japan

Duality of Care in Goodnight Mister Tom - Fostering and Mourning
D2a Alice Ross T. Morta, University of the Philippines

Perspectives of children and adults on children’s literature
D3a Hiroko Kawatani, Nihon University, Japan

The Range of Possibilities of Adaptation: The Borrower Arrietty by Studio Ghibli and Mary Norton’s The Borrowers
D1b Junko Yoshida, Hiroshima University, Japan

When Adults Read Children’s Literature: Angela Johnson’s a cool moonlight and the Ethics of Care
D2b Kremena Dimitrova / Grazia Marta Caleo, University of Portsmouth, UK

The Secret of the Bush: A Story of Healing and Repair
D3b Chen-Wei Yu, National Taitung University, Taiwan

Resolving Moral Ambiguities: Dahl’s Oeuvre and Wonka, the So-call Prequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
D2c Le Albert Thanh-Nhan, Ph.D. Student at GICCS, Fu Jen Catholic University

Altruism, Empowerment, and Intergenerational Healing in Tarsem Singh’s The Fall
D3c Dora Kao, Soochow University, Taiwan

Exploring the Differences in Children's Literature Translation between China and Taiwan from a Hermeneutic Perspective: A Case Study of Irish Writer Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tale Collection
6:00-6:10 p.m.Concluding Remarks: Comments from Keynote Speaker, President, Conference Chair