

Taiwan Children’s Literature Research Association Membership

The Taiwan Children’s Literature Research Association was established on July 20, 2012. It is a nonprofit organization (Certification number 1010396811).


  1. 個人會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿20歲,從事兒童文學研究相關領域或對兒童文學研究有興趣者,並經本會會員2人推薦。
  2. 學生會員:年滿20歲之大專院校(含以上)學生、對兒童文學研究有興趣者,並經本會會員2人推薦。
  3. 團體會員:凡贊同本會宗旨之公私機構或團體。
  4. 贊助會員:贊助本會工作之團體或個人。

Membership Qualifications

  1. Individual membership: Agreement with the objectives of the association, over the age of 20, working in the field of or having an interest in children’s literature research, and recommendations from two members of the association.
  2. Student membership: A student of university/college (or above) that is over the age of 20, having an interest in children’s literature research, and recommendations from two members of the association.
  3. Group membership: Private and public institutions or organizations that agree with the objectives of the association.
  4. Sponsor membership: An individual or group that has been a sponsor of the association’s work with a sponsorship of over NTD 10,000.


  1. 入會費:個人會員新台幣1000元,學生會員新台幣500元,團體會員新台幣3000元。
  2. 常年會費:個人會員新台幣1200元,學生會員新台幣600元,團體會員新台幣6000元。

* 新會員入會時,需同時繳納入會費及常年會費;舊會員僅需繳納常年會費。



*會費繳交/匯款方式 (Remittance):

台灣銀行(004)戶名:台灣兒童文學研究學會帳號,14700-10140-65,如果你是用網銀轉帳,請你在轉入備註的地方填上自己的姓名),學會就知道是哪裡匯過來的錢。你也可以轉帳之後以email:,告知您的名字跟帳號末五碼, 或收據的照片。




  1. Membership fees: individual membership is NTD 1000, student membership is NTD 500, and group membership is NTD 3000.
  2. Annual membership dues: individual dues are NTD 1200, student dues are NTD 600, and group membership dues are NTD 6000.

*When new members are apply, they pay both the membership fee and the annual dues for the first year.

Renewing members pay only the yearly dues.

Members who do not pay their dues do not have membership privileges. Those members whose annual dues lapse for two years or longer will lose their membership. To regain membership, they must repeat the membership process from the beginning.

Membership period extends from January 1 to December 31 each year.

點此進入線上入會申請表  Click here to apply online