台灣兒童文學研究學會 LOGO 設計構想以「T」做為象徵,並蘊含以下意義:

  1. 以兒童文學研究為中心: 將整個 LOGO 展開來看,會發現左右兩邊為男孩與女孩的側面,各自面向不同方向,象徵本會以「兒童」為中心,廣納不同研究視角,並注重多樣化,致力於推廣台灣及國際兒童文學研究。
  1. 視野及思想的起點──台灣: LOGO 中台灣位處於男女孩大腦交疊之處,象徵思想的發端與交會;另方面,若以抽象層面觀之,又似兩顆眼球瞳孔聚焦之處。LOGO 中的台灣,無論就其位處男孩女孩思想交會點,或是眼睛的中心,皆指涉本會立足台灣,放眼國際,除深耕台灣兒童文學研究,更致力於與國際接軌。
  1. 翻開文學的世界: LOGO 設計除了遠看為男女孩的形象,其 T 字圖像亦設計為書本翻開的意象,象徵逐頁打開兒童文學的世界。

LOGO 設計:陳冠伶

The LOGO design of the Taiwan Children’s Literature Research Association uses “T” as a symbol and contains the following meanings:

  1. Children’s literature research as the focus

If you look at the entire LOGO, you will find that the image is a merging of two faces. The verso resembles a boy’s face while the recto resembles a girl’s, each facing a different direction. On the one hand, it highlights “the child” as the focus of our association; on the other hand, it suggests that we embrace different perspectives and value diversity in our dedication to children’s literature research in Taiwan as well as internationally.

  1. Taiwan as the starting point of vision and thought

Taiwan marked in the LOGO is where the brain of the boy and that of the girl overlap and it thus stands for the intersection and originality of ideas. On an abstract level, it looks like the focus of two eyeball pupils. Whether located at the intersection of the boy’s and the girl’s brains/ ideas, or at the center of the eyes, Taiwan as a symbol represents the locus where our association is based — a starting point of vision and thought — in communication, as well as in connection, with the local and the global children’s literature research.

  1. Into the world of literature

In addition to the profiles of a boy and a girl, the LOGO is also designed in the image of an open book, which symbolizes a reading journey, page by page, into the world of children’s literature.

LOGO design: Kuan-Ling Chen / Translation: Andrea Mei-Ying Wu