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Conference Theme:Modernity, Memory, and Asian Childhood


The concepts of modernity and memory have long been associated with the discourse and the (trans)formation of Asian childhood. While modernity could be a contentious term referring to different historical periods and cultural spaces — in the practice of educational reforms and literary and aesthetic innovations, for instance, it also suggests “the self-definition of a generation about its own technological innovation, governance, and socioeconomics” (Sharon L. Snyder, “Modernity”). Memory, likewise, is a slippery term which involves not only the construction of the past, but also the renegotiation, as well as the rejuvenation, of the present and the future. Memory, however, could be traumatic and illusive; it thus suggests historical and cultural — or temporal and spatial — disruptions, discontinuities, and “forgetting” (Anne Whitehead, Memory). The intersection of modernity, memory, and Asian childhood is a research topic not yet fully explored, for instance, in children’s literature scholarship. This international conference features 1 keynote speech by Dr. Dafna Zur from Stanford University (USA), 8 English panels, 4 Chinese panels, and several virtual poster presentations which engage the conference theme. 
現代性與記憶的概念,與亞洲童年的論述、形構與轉化,向來息息相關。現代性一詞,隱含種種指涉,既指向不同歷史時期以及文化空間──例如,教育改革與文學和美學革新之實踐層面;另方面,亦可指稱「一個世代對自身科技革新、科技治理及社會經濟的自我定義」(Sharon L. Snyder, “Modernity”)。記憶,同樣的,是個多重歧異的概念,不僅指向對過往的建構,也指涉對當下和未來的協商與翻新。然而,記憶也可能滿布創傷和虛幻,因而往往呈現對歷史和文化──或時間與空間──的攪擾、斷裂和「遺忘」(Anne Whitehead, Memory)。現代性、記憶與亞洲童年作為一研究課題在學界,仍屬尚待開發的議題。本研討會以「現代性、記憶與亞洲童年」為大會主題,邀請美國史丹佛大學東亞語言與文化學系副教授暨東亞研究中心主任周多喜(Dr. Dafna Zur)擔任專題演講,並有8場次英文論文發表,4場次中文論文發表,以及線上海報發表,歡迎各界人士踴躍參與。

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