Virtual Poster Presentation|線上海報發表 Virtual Poster Presentation|線上海報發表 Please click the title to view the presentation請點擊題目觀看各篇海報發表 English Poster中文海報 PresenterTitle發表人題目 Cheeno Marlo Sayuno Department of Humanities, University of the Philippines Los Baños, PhilippinesPhilippine Children’s Literature Amidst Political Unrest: A Textual Analysis of Storybooks Set in the Marcos and Duterte Regimes呂俊葳 國立政治大學我們從未「麻煩」過:《紅衣小女孩》系列(2015-2018)之童年寓言研究 Luis Carlos Girão Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, BrazilKorean Children’s Folk Tales Remediated into Picture Books黃愛真 兒童文學研究者台灣五Ο、六Ο年代女作家兒童文學作品兒童觀--純真童年/家國動盪下的少國民形象 Ananya Sharma The English and Foreign Languages University, IndiaModernity and Violence: Children and Memories of Partition Violence in India江妍德 國立台北教育大學亞平童話選集《月光溫泉》的自然意象 Christine Joy A. Magpayo University of the Philippines Diliman, PhilippinesChildren’s Literature in the Philippines at a Time of Civil Unrest: Duterte’s War on Drugs as Communicated in the Visual Rhetoric and Narrative Fidelity of the Children’s Story “Si Kian”黃詣庭 東海大學莒哈絲《情人》三部曲的後殖民創傷與亞洲書寫 --兼及一種寫作倫理學 Henan Tang The University of Edinburgh, ScotlandThe Gendered Visualisation of Ideal Child Citizens, 1912-1916 Yuan-yang Wang National Tsing Hua University, TaiwanPecola Breedlove’s Language in Chen-Chen Tseng’s Translation of The Bluest Eye 1,365 total views, 3 views today