Guidelines for Virtual Presentation 線上發表注意事項

Guidelines for Virtual Presentation|線上發表注意事項


We will use Webex for virtual conference and will send moderators, presenters, and registered participants the links to the virtual rooms via email one week before the conference.


我們將使用 Webex 作為線上發表平台,會議室連結將於研討會前一周以電子郵件寄送主持人、發表人以及已報名的與會者。



Mode of Virtual Presentation 線上發表方式


A. Synchronous Online Presentations 同步線上發表


(1) Please enter the virtual room 10 minutes earlier for preparation.


(2) Presentations are 20 minutes in length for each speaker.


(3) Make sure that your speaker is on when you speak, and mute your speaker when you’re done with your presentation.


(4) If you will use PowerPoint for your presentation, please play the PowerPoint and videos by yourself through the shared screen.


(5) If you want to play a video, be sure to check the computer to share sound.


(6) For backups, please send your PowerPoint and pre-recording presentation to by 10/31.


  • 請提早10分鐘進入線上會議室預作準備。.
  • 每人論文發表時間為20分鐘。
  • 發表人發表時請記得打開麥克風,發表完畢後請記得關上麥克風。
  • 請發表人透過共用螢幕自行操作播放PPT與影片。
  • 如有播放影片務必確認勾選電腦分享聲音。
  • 請發表人於10/31前將您的PPT及預錄檔寄至本會信箱 以作為會議用備檔。


.B. Pre-recorded Video Presentation 預錄影片發表


(1) The length of the video is limited to 20 minutes. Make sure that the presenter’s image and voice are clear.


(2) Please send the link to the video (recommended in mp4 format) to the conference email address: before 10/31, so that our work team can test it and make necessary preparations.


(3) It is required that the presenter participate in the session during the Q&A.


  • 影片長度以二十分鐘為限,發表者影像及音量必須清晰。
  • 請發表人於10/31前將影片(建議採mp4格式) 檔案連結寄至研討會信箱 以便工作人員可進行測試並預作準備。
  • 發表人需參與該場次最後的討論與回應。


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