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BEN52901 The Bible as Literature: The Hebrew Bible
T 10:10-12:00; Rm H108
Partner Presentation
Present one story from the Hebrew scripture to the class (use PowerPoint). And give at least two interpretations or reasons why this story is meaningful or significant.
Purpose: You want your classmates to understand the story, see how it fits in with other stories from the Hebrew Bible, and know different reasons why this story is important.
- You have 5-10 minutes (absolutely no longer than 10 minutes).
- Both group members should speak equally and clearly.
- Set up your presentation before class begins (props, PPT, etc.)
- Please set up and test the microphone beforehand.
What should you say?
- Give a very short summary of your story
- You can do this through drama, pictures, video, explanation, etc.
- If you use video, create your own. Don’t use one from YouTube.
- Tell some reasons why you think this story is important (interpretations).
- Use PowerPoint to help make your points clear.
- This may include different ideas about the “meaning” of the story.
- This could include ways in which the story has been used in literature, music, drama, education, etc.
- This could include your own ideas about the story.
- For example, you might say that if you think about the story one way, it makes God look caring, but if you look at it another way
- Be interesting. Be concise. Be clear.
- Be original and creative. Don’t simply follow the methods of presenters before you.
- Try hard to read critically, looking for multiple interpretations.
About using PowerPoint
- Keep our attention on the story. Don’t get too fancy with special effects.
- Make sure it is set up and ready to go before class (copy your file onto the hard drive).
- If you need to play something off the Internet, make sure the connection is working with no problems.
- Don’t include every word you say.
- Charts, maps, pictures, family trees, and other visuals are very helpful.
- Make sure you leave a copy of your PowerPoint presentation on the computer desktop, so I can post it to Tronclass.
- I am most concerned for how clear and interesting you make this story for the class.
- I also want to see that you are able to interpret the story in different ways.
- You will be timed and evaluated by another group.
- Using your classmates’ evaluation as a base, I will give brief feedback and a grade. This is part of your participation grade.
Presentation Critique
Purpose: to inspire presenters to present well, to encourage critiquers to think about how to present well, to offer substantial peer feedback for presenters.
Critique one other presentation with your presentation partner. Use the presentation critique form from Tronclass and give it to me at the end of class. Make sure you have printed out and brought the presentation critique form to class when it is your turn to do the critique. Each person in your group should do their own critique.
The most important thing to consider in your critique is how well the students achieved the purposes stated above. Think about writing the kind of critique that you would like to receive. Be honest and respectful.
Purpose: To demonstrate understanding of Bible passages and characters and ability to interpret them in different ways.
You have two options. The papers can be turned in at any time before the deadlines. You can choose either option for your first paper and then the other option will be your second paper. Be sure to clearly state which option you choose for each paper. Each paper is expected to be around 500 words (2-3 pages).
Format and Language
- Follow the correct format for your heading. This heading is ONLY on the first page of your paper.
- Look at these tips for writing better papers.
- Citing (Quoting from) the Bible
- When citing the Bible, use abbreviations for book titles and give the chapter and verses in the following manner. (Do not use page numbers.)
- Gen 1.1-2.3, Ex 4.11, Josh 3.1-4.15
- “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1.1).
- The words in Gen 1.1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” cause a problem because it doesn’t say where God came from.
Option A: Write a personal response to one passage read for class.
This response should be your own ideas about any of the passages that have been read for class before the time you turn in this paper. If you would like to write about a different passage, please check with me first and it will probably be OK.
Write the verse numbers for the passage you are writing about at the top of your page. Give your paper a title that relates to the main idea of your response.
Some ideas for your response include:
- Your favorite story/passage.
- A story/passage you don’t like or understand.
- A story/passage that makes you think.
- A story/passage that you think contains wisdom for today’s world.
- A story/passage that reminds you of something in today’s world (song, movie, novel, news story, etc.)
- A story/passage that reflects something in your own life (or the life of someone you know).
Be sure to support your main idea with your own ideas. The more personal you are able to make your response, the better. Do not use ideas from the Internet that you cannot support.
Option B: Critique a video that tells a Bible story from the Hebrew Bible.
- You can choose a short video from YouTube or a section from a full-length movie or series.
- Write the name and source and creator(s) of the video you critique. Be sure to give the full reference to your video (not just the website address).
- Tell how long it is, or how long the section is that you are critiquing.
Summarize the story very briefly, then compare the video to what the Bible passage actually says. Tell how the video has adapted, interpreted and adjusted (or dramatically changed) the story. Which ideas or points from the Bible are communicated, which ideas are missed? What could be changed in the video to make it more accurate? Why do you think the video is created as is? It is important that you read the corresponding sections of the Hebrew Bible very carefully in order to explain well.
- Together, these papers comprises 25% of your semester grade.
- Together, these papers comprises 25% of your semester grade.
- In both papers, you want to show depth of thought and understanding of the characters and/or Bible passages involved.
- Grammar, punctuation, and formatting are important!! Proofread carefully!!
- Papers with plagiarism will be returned with a score of zero. You may get a chance to redo the paper for half credit, but it will need to be on a different topic, so be careful to cite your sources.
- Copying any ideas or sentences or parts of sentences from another source without citing that source is plagiarism.
- Avoid plagiarism by not using other sources at all or by citing your sources even if you are not sure you need to. Check an MLA citation guide to cite correctly. Never simply give a web address. I recommend the OWL.
- Avoid using ChatGPT. Use your own language and your own ideas.