Schedule | Assignments | Tronclass

BEN11505 English Conversation 1

W 8:10-10:00, Rm R0310

Class Objectives,

The purpose of this class is to help students improve the English spoken fluency become more comfortable speaking English in a variety of situations. Students will listen carefully to others, share ideas and information, and converse in an English only environment. Students should become comfortable expressing and supporting personal ideas related to class topics.

  1. Improve fluency in English conversation (thinking in English, pronunciation, intonation)
  2. Increase conversational skills & ability (confidence, vocabulary, strategies).

After completing this course, students should be able to

  1. Hold lengthy conversations using only English.
  2. Be able and willing to ask questions in English for clarification and further information.
  3. Feel comfortable when speaking English before a small audience.
  4. Express information, opinions, and ideas, about various topics with adequate support and be able to answer follow-up questions.

The Practice and Feature of Class

  1. The class is organized around various discussion topics. There is no textbook.
  2. Weekly handouts are available on Tronclass. Students are responsible to download these handouts and bring them to class each week.
  3. Your weekly homework is to research and prepare to discuss the topic on your own before coming to class.
    1. Speaking. You are expected to converse in English during the full 100 minutes of class each week. You should actively engage classmates and not need to be told to use English.
    1. Writing. Every week, a short writing assignment is due that is related to the topic we are discussing. This paper is due at the end of class, but must be completed before class begins. It should be printed out neatly, and properly formatted on A4 size paper.
  4. There will be a read aloud activity on March 13. This class needs special preparation.
  5. Present a panel discussion with your group. During the second half of the semester, each group will choose a discussion topic for one 50-minute class period. You will introduce the topic to your classmates through a panel discussion, then prepare some questions and activities for your classmates to discuss. Your group must decide on your topic and give it to me by March 27.
  6. Exams
    1. The midterm is a conversation with a partner in the classroom.
    1. The final exam is an individual interview held in my office.


Missing more than two classes will lower semester grade by 10 points. Missing four or more classes is grounds for a failing grade. Arriving late 3 times = 1 absence
Missing NO classes will raise semester grade by 3 points.
  • 25%  Participation (weekly participation & group conversation activity)
  • 25% Written homework
  • 25%  Midterm
  • 25%  Final Interview