Schedule | Assignments | Tronclass | NRSV Online

BEN52901 The Bible as Literature: The Hebrew Bible

T 10:10-12:00; Rm H108


  • Full English text of the Bible in any version. New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) is recommended. Bring this to class each week. E-Bibles on tablet computers and cell phones are also acceptable. (I recommend the YouVersion Bible App)
  • You will need a notebook in which you can insert A4 pages and keep your own notes.
  • Supplementary reading is available through the Moodle website.

Class Introduction

  • This course introduces the literature of the Bible in English. This means reading and understanding the overarching story of the whole Bible as well as many important individual characters, stories, and passages.
  • Our focus in this class is the Hebrew Bible (What Christians call the Old Testament) The Spring semester class deals with the New Testament. The Hebrew Bible tells the story of a people group called the Israelites, and it happens before the time of Jesus Christ. We want to avoid looking at this body of literature through the lens of Christianity or the New Testament. 
  • Classes involve both lecture and small group discussion. Students will work together in groups to discuss meaning, apply criticism, and make presentations to the class.
  • Most of the reading is from the Bible itself, rather than commentary or criticism about the Bible. It is therefore extremely important that you do the weekly reading. Additional readings, lecture outlines, and helpful reference material is available through Tronclass.

Class Goals

  • Understand the range and diversity of the writings within the Hebrew Bible: genres, forms, & motifs
  • Know important narratives, characters, and passages that have been influential in Western literature and culture.
  • Understand and experiment with different ways to interpret Biblical literature.
  • Gain sufficient understanding of the Bible and methods of interpretation so that students can engage with future encounters with literature and ideas related to the Hebrew Bible.


  • Write two papers. Choose one option for Paper 1, and the other option for Paper 2 (2 pages each).
    • Option A: Write a personal response to one passage read for class.
    • Option B: Critique a video that tells a Bible story
  • Present one Bible story to the class with a partner (7-10 min)
    • Create a PowerPoint presentation to show the story’s importance and some of its interpretations.
  • Critique one other presentation. Download the form from Tronclass and turn it in to me at the end of class on the day of the presentation you critique.

Class Schedule and Policies

  • Please refer to the class website for class policies, reading schedule, supplementary reading, assignments, homework, class topics, and exam times.
  • Note: Since the official schedule is posted on-line, it is subject to change. Be sure you check it regularly.


Participation 25% Attendance, discussion, presentations, critique, etc.
Papers 25% Two papers (personal response & critique a video) (around 500 words each)
Midterm 25% key terms, ideas related to interpretation, story contents, characters, quotations
Final 25% key terms, ideas related to interpretation, story contents, characters, quotations